The FREIRAUM Global is an international expansion of the local FREIRAUM. In the sense of Bruno Latour’s concept of “landing” (an own, self-chosen radius of action beyond geographical-territorial attributions) we try to transfer the community principle of the FREIRAUM local to the global. The idea of a non-curated community also forms the basis beyond local borders. Artistic productions, networking and collaborations from all over the world are supported locally. Via Freiraum Digital, these connections can be lived interactively, shared with each other and made visible.


Critical Distance Taking Care 

A first approach is the cinematic project “Critical Distance – Taking Care”. Artists and interdisciplinary experts get connect globally, voices and perspectives are collected. Initiated by Ben J Riepe, the addressees can invite the next actors to the project, so that an expanded, new network of previously unconnected positions can be formed. To the videos

Critical Distance Friendly Takeover

From 22 – 26 of march 2021, the Cheers for Fears initiative, as part of a Friendly Takeover of our “Critical Distance” series, organized the event “Preset & Liveness: a lab between analog and digital spaces”.

Find more here.