Just drop by

The FREIRAUM, collaborative space for concept and work for the arts and science, has been perceived as an “artist run space” since 2020, as operated by the Ben J. Riepe team. The FREIRAUM consists of two ATELIERs, which can be reserved by artists free of charge. The Co-Working-Space is open from mon to fri, 10 am to 4 pm and does not require any special registration.

Opening hours

Open mo to fr, 10 am to 4 pm
Düsseldorf, Engelbertstr. 13

FREIRAUM Salon #36
“Immersive India: Über Kama**, Kunst und Katharsis” (on Kama, Art and Catharsis) by and with Felizitas Stilleke & Ben J. Riepe
Wednesday, 19 feb

For many years, curator and dramaturge Felizitas Stilleke has been connected with Ben J. Riepe through shared research interests; she has also repeatedly accompanied productions of the Ben J. Riepe Company as an “Outside Eye.”

In the context of their current joint research on questions of gathering, ritual, and spirituality in art, Felizitas will travel to India in February 2025. Along the Ganges—especially prominent this year due to the world’s largest festival, the Maha Kumbh Mela—she will journey from Prayagraj to Rishikesh: from the river’s source to the place where many pilgrims take a sacred bath and celebrate countless rituals, spiritual gatherings, and the principle of community.

With an openness of all five senses and an expanded “third eye,” she will experience immersive spaces and the spiritual power of assemblies during the two-week tour, tracing her impressions back to the origins of art: the rituals that provide our society with visions and utopias.

Info on the workshop: Felizitas will present her fresh experiences and thoughts immediately after her journey. The salon will open with a 30-minute breathwork session led by Ben Riepe, followed by a small sound journey, offering an acoustically and sensorially immersive access to Felizitas´ travel impressions.

In conversation with Ben J. Riepe, they will explore questions about the relevance of body and sensory experiences, as well as immersive spaces, in artistic work—not only within the Ben J. Riepe Company.

The workshop is held in German; previous knowledge is not necessary for participation.

The number of participants for the FREIRAUM Salon is limited. Please register informally by Friday, 14 feb, at: freiraum@benjriepe.com.

**Desire, love, and eroticism, but also the care for emotional needs.

Breathing session of the breathing academy atmen+ with Gerdi Schulte and Maria Faust

As part of the exhibition WANTH. WE ALL NEED TO HEAL (Kunst & Denker Contemporary)
Friday, 13 sep, 5 – 8 pm

Please bring your own mat, pillow and blanket.

A small contribution towards expenses is requested.

Please register informally by e-mail to freiraum@benjriepe.com.


Start the day Moving

The “Bewegte Start in den Tag” is our morning format that offers a free training session twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for professionals as well as beginners.

4 & 6 feb Dawna Dryhorub – Flexibility
11 & 13 feb Annika Kompart – Dance Warm Up
18 & 20 feb Alfonso Bordi – Floor Barre
25 & 27 feb Elisa Marschall – Yoga

Info & Registration

28 jun

CORTEX is a community gathering, organized by APTK Lab – Art laboratory for caring culture. After a very wholesome event in October, APTK Lab will be back at Freiraum this month with a day dedicated to thinking about the largest organ in our body, the Dermis.
More info regarding the program here!

©Philipp Alfons Heitmann

Wednesday, 26 jun
Open Meeting

To all film actors from Düsseldorf and NRW!
Tired of doing the e-casting alone?
Tired of introducing yourself to your audition partner?
Fancy regular meetings?
Let`s connect – just drop by!

Opening “Digital Agora”

On March 1, 2023 at 6 p.m., the Ben J. Riepe Team opened the “Digital Agora” with works by:

Anno Bolender/Lukas Picard, Céline Bellut, Luise Flügge/Katharina Maister, MEMORY EMPYRE, Gulliver DeLarge, Naoto Hieda , Brigitte Huezo, Andrea Isa, Robin Junicke/Miriam Michel, Katharina Kemme, Danila Lipatov, merighi | mercy, Ying Xiao

Enter the digital agora >>


Critical Distance

We are absolutely delighted to be presenting the next two editions of our Project “Critical Distance“ with two pivotal figures of the South-East Asian Art scene: Bharatanatyam dancer-choreographer, yoga practitioner, scholar, and social activist Navtej Johar and Mithu Sen, who performs conceptual and interactive multi-format byproducts which among others include drawing, performance, poetry, moving images, sculptures, installations, sound, to explore and subvert hierarchical codes and rules.

You can find the Videos here