Bewegter Start in den Tag / Start the Day Moving – Elisa
Bewegter Start in den Tag / Start the Day Moving – Elisa
Bewegter Start in den Tag Start the Day Moving Elisa Marschall - Yoga
Archival Practice for Artists
18 may 2022
How can intermediate states, results, sketches, thoughts and conceptual constructs be mapped in the ephemeral arts? How can research and networks become visible and tangible? How can the FREIRAUM idea of interdisciplinary cooperation – beyond the real space – work in the digital? How can we sustainably strengthen a global community and create new networks? We have been dealing with these questions for a long time and would like to address them together with you.
A digital archive is to be created on our website that will map and archive work processes and, if applicable, results, the “traces”. In order to let your needs and requirements, your experiences, expertise and input flow into the creation of this archive, we would like to open up our work process and place the next salon under the motto “FREIRAUM goes digital”. Together with you and with nota e.V. we would then like to address digital archiving practices – how they are, how they could/should be.
Working at the intersection of art, science, and computer science, Birk Schindler and Paula Löffler from nota e.V. will introduce us to the archiving of ephemeral art. Founded by association members in 2018, the interdisciplinary research group notanarchive, a collaboration between the independent theater scene, computer science, and restoration science, is currently conducting research in the collaborative project “Archive of Encounters” with the documenta archiv. In this year’s network and structure project notanet, supported by the Daku Fund, nota is growing as a social, technical and aesthetic digital rehearsal space for the independent scene.
The salon starts at 6pm with an aperitif and tutorial on Afterwards, a vegan dinner will be served, where we would like to exchange ideas with you in a relaxed atmosphere. We would be very happy if you could join us for this evening and talk about these topics.