outside eye
9 mär 2022

This salon is an outside eye format – we invite external perspectives or venues on changing topics. Food and drink will be provided at each salon. The outside eye Salon in March on the topic “Lived utopias beyond money, wage labor and property” starts with Tobi Rosswog and the Düsseldorfer Niemandsland e.V..
Tobi Rosswog is an activist and lecturer in the field of socio-ecological transformations. He works and researches on topics like commons and commoning, solidary and sustainable ways of living, alternative economies and new concepts of work. In the Salon he opens the view for a society beyond money, wage labor and property.
Niemandsland e.V. is a collectively run, open project workshop in Düsseldorf that focuses on topics of sustainability, sharing and swapping, and the collective creation of a social-ecological world. Niemandsland runs, for example, a collectively organized wooden bicycle and pottery workshop, a for-free store, an open kitchen and various garden and cultural projects, and presents its activities in the salon.
You are welcome to sign up at any time and present your own current (artistic) intention or project in one of the next salons. Please write a short email to Jan: