FREIRAUM Salon #12
Breathing Session with Gerdi Schulte
14 sept 2022

In our Outside-Eye Salon on September 14th at 6pm the discourse of the session gives way to a permanent connection of theory and practice, according to the FREIRAUM principle. We cordially invite you to a two-hour breathing session with breathing therapist Gerdi Schulte.

Breath connects us, is an elementary part of our lives and at the same time the practice of breathing often happens unconsciously. What does breath mean? How can I change my consciousness and sensory perception through breathing? How can stress and anxiety be influenced by conscious breathing techniques? We will approach these and other questions in the breathing session. Afterwards we would like to end the evening together with a vegetarian/vegan, freshly cooked meal in a cozy atmosphere.


6 pm Arrival and check-in at FREIRAUM (Engelbertstr. 13, 40233 Düssesldorf).
6:15 – 8:15 pm Breathing session
8:15 – 8:45 pm Cooldown
from 8:30 om Buffet and get-together (vegetarian/vegan)